The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is one of the basic success laws. It has been known about for thousands of years going back to the times of the ancient civilisations of Egypt, Greece and China. Yet, it is still widely misunderstood and misapplied.
It is one of the laws that affects every area of your life, and that may be the reason that it is often over-simplified and why it causes so much difficulty.
Look on the Law of Attraction this way:
Everything that you do in your life begins with a thought.
- Want a cup of coffee?
- You start by "thinking" that you want a cup of coffee. - Going for a new job?
- You start by "thinking" you want a new job. - Find yourself with too many bills arriving in your life?
- You started that by "thinking" you wanted things that you pay for later. - Find yourself constantly arguing with your spouse or partner?
- You started that by "thinking" that you disagreed with something they said or something they did.
The Law of Attraction begins with the premise that everything that you do in your life begins with a thought, and your thoughts evolve and materialise into those things that you experience in your life.
Thoughts lead to judgements
Judgements lead to decisions
Decisions lead to actions
Actions lead to outcomes and experiences
If you constantly think about ways to increase your income then those thoughts are going to sooner or later materialise as the life that you experience. You will sooner or later increase your income.
If you constantly think about not having enough money then those thoughts are going to sooner or later materialise as the life that you experience. You will sooner or later experience not having enough money.
One useful way of seeing the Law of Attraction is to look at your life with the realisation that everything that you have, everything that you experience, everything that you do and everything that you become has happened because your thoughts have brought you to those things.
You attract into your life the circumstances, experiences, people and conditions that harmonise with your dominant thoughts.
How can you use the Law of Attraction?
Start by looking at the world around you and your place in it at the moment. Every thought that you've had has brought you to the point you are experiencing at the moment.
Some of the things that you're experiencing are things that you're happy with. Your thinking brought those things into your life.
Some of the things that you experience are things that you may not be too happy with. Your thoughts also brought those things into your life.
Take full credit for those good things in your life, it was your thinking that produced them.
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..Christa at
The Law of Attraction Resource Guide has plenty of extra information on the LOA amongst a plethora of information and resources on success and self-help..
Now look at those aspects of your life that you are not so happy about, it was your thinking that produced those things too! You may not like that idea, but just because you don't like the idea doesn't mean that it's not true. You have produced those things in your life - take responsibility for them. If your thinking brought those things into your life what are you going to do about your thinking?
If you've brought those things into your life because of a mistake in your thinking then you need to correct your thinking. You need to think about the things that will attract those things and experiences that you want into your life.
You continuously create the circumstances of your life by the way you think. What changes do you need to make in your thinking if you want to improve a part of your life?
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