Think Right Now! and Mike Brescia

I'd really like you to understand how Mike Brescia's Think Right Now! technologies have come to gain importance in my life. Especially, since I gave them such a poor start!

It's important because Mike's materials have a tendency to work in the background. I might even say, insideously.

I use the term 'materials' because Mike's materials don't just consist of the products that he produces for formal sale.

Mike Brescia - President of Think Right Now International, Inc.
Mike Brescia - President of Think Right Now International, Inc.
No, Mike is one of those people who over-delivers on information. I look forward to his email newsletters because there are frequently little gems of information. Small, but new ways of looking at life. Taken individually, they may appear quirky. But, over time they build up, I don't mean in some email folder, but somehow internally, under the skin, carved in the heart and buried in the subconscious. In fact, deep in the subconscious.

It is there that they set to work. Making life better.

Of course, if you're not exposed to those materials, well, they don't sink in. They don't set to work, and life is more likely to stay the same.

That type of passionate input only comes from someone who not only believes in what they're doing but knows that what they're doing is right.

I enjoyed Mike's emails for a long time before I ordered any of his Think Right Now! success conditioning programs.

If I'm being honest, I think that I saw them as being a little too gimmicky. Yes, the idea that just listening to something could change the way you think at a deep level sounded good, but, I wasn't sure I believed it! In the end though, after months of reading his excellent emails I decided to at least give them a try, well, sorta!

The first programs that I invested in were:

  • Think Right Now for Windows (a visual mind-programming software)
  • Setting & Achieving Goals Now! (because my goals at the time were just so unclear), and,
  • End Procrastination Now! (because I would always put things off).

Now, still being very honest here, I listened to the CDs and played the software full-time for the first few days. Then it trailed off a bit, and then it stopped altogether.

It was five months later, whilst I was reading a book on how the human mind works (a Christmas present), that it clicked exactly how Mike's Think Right Now! materials work.

Now, I know, if I treated every aspect of life like that I wouldn't get anywhere. I mean, can you imagine not going in a car unless you knew how an internal combustion engine works? But hey, that's just me. Sometimes, I need to know, or at least rationalise in my own mind, how something will work before I'm fully behind it. If you're the same kind of person, well I shall prepare an article to explain more.

Suffice to say, I changed my attitude and the way that I'd been using the CDs and the software.

Lo and behold, I started to notice not just that I was thinking differently, but that I was acting differently.

  • I was clearer on what I was wanting to achieve,
  • I was making plans, and
  • importantly, I was starting to work on things. Not just the new projects, but the everyday jobs that I'd been putting off.

Now, I have seen other 'mind-programming' products advertised. I cannot say whether they are good or not good. You see, I take it from the viewpoint that if I've found something that works, and it's at a really good price, why would I start trying other products? It's like if I'm happy with going from A to B in my little Ford, why on earth would I want to fork out for a Lexus? I ain't gonna spend for spending's sake when I've got something doing a perfectly good job!

So listen, I'll make it clear, Mike's Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Programs work for me. There are other products out there, but I recommend Mike's products for being good value, being backed by a 100% 6-month guarantee and because Mike over-delivers.

'Nuff said!



For more background and review material on Mike Brescia's materials,

click this link!



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