The First of the Winners Success Secrets

I call it the first of the 'Winners Success Secrets', because it's such an insidious little secret that many 'winners' don't even know it themselves - even though they use it every day!

Here's the basics.

You act according to your beliefs.

You may have heard that who you are today, the type of person you are today, the life that you live today, have all come about as a result of all the thoughts that you've had in your life.

You see, each and every day, you take in information, process it, and make decisions based on that processing.

You've been doing that since you were a baby. Maybe even before then!

thoughts and decisions
Winners Success Secrets...
...thoughts and decisions...
photo courtesy Untitled Blue at Flikr
Each one of those decisions has moved you further along in life. Some of those decisions have moved you closer to what you ultimately want in life, and some of those decisions have moved you away from what you ultimately want in life. But each one of those decisions has contributed to where you are in life now.

If you look at life’s winners, at what you would consider life’s successful people, you'll find that the same principle applies to them. They've got to where they are in life today because of the thoughts and the decisions that they've made in the past. Here's the crux of the first of the winners' success secrets:

Winners have had thoughts, and have made decisions, that have brought them to the successful position that they're in today.

We all make our decisions based on how we think the world works.

The thoughts that we carry in our head, which explain to us how the world works, are called beliefs.

We have some beliefs that lots of other people share too. And we have some beliefs that are very individual to ourselves. That's because we are all unique individuals, and nobody sees life, experiences life, from exactly the same viewpoint.

Once we've established a belief, we store it away in our sub-conscious mind.

We keep it there as a time saving mechanism. Each time we need to understand the world, or the way that the world works, instead of figuring it out anew each time, all that we have to do is call up our pre-prepared belief that we have stored in our sub-conscious. (It's a bit like the cookery programmes on TV isn't it? "Here's one I prepared earlier"!)

The first of the winners success secrets tells us that winners have made decisions that have brought them to the successful position that they're in today.

Those winners, those successful people, have made their decisions based on the beliefs that they've formed through their life.

There's a very strong, just about irrefutable argument here that gives us this first of the winners' success secrets: If you get your beliefs right, you can automatically make the decisions that lead to being a winner or a successful person.

Mmm.. Strong stuff! Read it again:

If you get your beliefs right, you can automatically make the decisions that lead to being a winner or a successful person.

Success, being a winner, comes down to getting your beliefs right.

What do winners believe?

belief systems
Winners Success Secrets...
...belief systems...
photo courtesy Untitled Blue at Flikr
Well, that's why this secret is just a little insidious. Successful people, winners, don't have to do a big analysis of their belief systems. They aleady have belief systems that work for them! It's down to other people, those people seeking success, to discover what the belief systems of successful people are. That's the root of real winners success secrets!

It's why the market place has a profusion of autobiographies and materials telling and showing what successful people think and how they think.

I shall cover most of them as this website grows.

The other big question that you'll need answering is; "How do you change your belief system when it's taken so long to build the one that you have now?" Again, there are things that you can do, and they really are not all that hard.



Winners Success Secrets

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